Engineering Chemistry
Professional English
Paralanguage Video Lecture
Cliché and Redundancies Video Lecture
Communication at Workplace Video Lecture
Engineering Mathematics
Complex Integration Part - 1 Video Lecture
Complex Integration Part - 1 Video Lecture
Engineering Physics
Crompton Effect Video Lecture

1st Year - 2nd Semester

C Language

Loop Introduction Video Lecture
Loop With Examples Video Lecture
Introduction of Array. Video Lecture
Linear Search Video Lecture
Selection Sort Video Lecture
Double Dimensional Array Video Lecture
Basic of Pointer Video Lecture
Pointer With Array Video Lecture
String Part-1 Video Lecture
String Part-2 Video Lecture
Structure Part-1 Video Lecture
User Defined Functions Part-1 Video Lecture
Recursion Video Lecture
Preprocessor in C Video Lecture
File Inclusion in C With Practical Video Lecture

2nd Year - 4th Semester

Automata Theory

Pushdown Automta(PDA) lecture-2 Video Lecture
Pushdown Automta(PDA) lecture-3 Video Lecture
Pushdown Automta(PDA) lecture-4 Video Lecture
Pushdown Automta(PDA) lecture-5 Video Lecture
Pushdown Automata(PDA) lecture-6 Video Lecture
Turing Machine(TM) lecture-1 Video Lecture
Turing Machine(TM) lecture-4 Video Lecture
Turing Machine(TM) lecture-5 Video Lecture
Turing Machine(TM) lecture-7 Video Lecture
Turing Machine(TM) lecture-8 Video Lecture

Operating System

What is Semaphore and Why we need in Operating System. Video Lecture
Producer Consumer Problem | Classical Problem of ynchronization Video Lecture
Reader Writer Problem | Classical problem of Synchronization Video Lecture
Part -6 | Paging | Memory Management | OS Video Lecture
Part -7 | Segmentation | Memory Management | OS Video Lecture
Part - 8 | Demand Paging | Memory Management | OS Video Lecture
Part - 9 | Page Fault, Page Replacement & Thrashing | Memory Management | OS Video Lecture
Part 4.10 | Page Replacement Algorithms | Memory Management | OS Video Lecture
Part 5.1 | Disk Scheduling Basics | Disk Management | OS Video Lecture
Part 5.2 | FCFS & SSTF Disk Scheduling Algorithms | Disk Management | OS Video Lecture
Part 5.4 | LOOK & C-LOOK Disk Scheduling | Disk Management | OS Video Lecture

Website Design

CSS Lecture 1 Video Lecture
CSS Lecture 2 Video Lecture
CSS Lecture 3 Video Lecture
CSS Lecture 4 Video Lecture
CSS Lecture 5 Video Lecture
CSS Lecture 6 Video Lecture
CSS Lecture 7 Video Lecture
JS Lecture 1 JS - Part 1 :- Basics of JavaScript Video Lecture
JS Lecture 2 JS - Part 2 :- External Files, Operators & Control Statements Video Lecture
JS - Part 3 :- Loops, Popup boxes and events Video Lecture
JS - Part 4 :- Array, objects and functions Video Lecture
JS Lecture 5 Form Validation Video Lecture
Web Hosting Lecture 1 Video Lecture
C-panel Lecture 1 Video Lecture
Search Engine Optimization Video Lecture

3rd Year - 6th Semester


SDT Lecture 1 Basics of Syntax Directed Translation Video Lecture
SDT Lecture 2 SDT attributes (Synthesized ,Inherited ,S attribute and L attribute) Video Lecture
SDT Lecture 3(Desk Calculator Grammar) Video Lecture
SDT Lecture 5 More example on SDT design Video Lecture
SDT Lec Lecture Intermediate code Generation Video Lecture
Compiler Design Unit II Video Lecture
Compiler Design Unit II Lecture 4 Video Lecture
Lecture 5 on LR Parsers Video Lecture

Computer Graphics

3D Projection Video Lecture
Hermite Spline Curve Video Lecture
Bezier Curve Video Lecture
Numerical on Bezier Curve Video Lecture

Computer Networks

Subnetting Part 1 Video Lecture
Subnetting Part 2 Video Lecture
Classless Addressing Video Lecture
CIDR/Classless addressing part - 2 Video Lecture
CIDR/Classless addressing part - 3 Video Lecture
Introduction to IPV6 Video Lecture
Routing DVR and LSR Algorithms(Network) Video Lecture
TCP UDP Part 1 Video Lecture
Session Layer | Responsibility of Session Layer Video Lecture
Presentation Layer | OSI Reference Model Video Lecture
Transport Layer || Part-3 || Cryptography || RSA || CN Video Lecture


Data Warehouse basics Video Lecture
OLTP, OLAP, OLAP Operation and difference b/w OLTP and OLAP Video Lecture
Data Warehouse and Data Mining Video Lecture
Multi dimensional data model, Data Cube, Star, Snowflake, Fact Constellation Schema Video Lecture
SDT Lecture 7 Video Lecture
Data Visualization Video Lecture
OLAP Function, tools servers, ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP, Specialized SQL server Video Lecture
Aggregation, Historical Information, Query Facility Video Lecture
Machine Learning: Clustering-1Intro Video Lecture
Machine Learning: Clustering-2 partitioning based,k-mean Video Lecture
Machine Learning: Clustering-3 K-mean algo Video Lecture
Machine Learning: Clustering-4 K-Medoids by Sanjay Goswami Video Lecture
Machine Learning: Clustering-6 BIRCH ALGORITHM by Sanjay Goswami Video Lecture

Web Tech

Javascript Introduction || How to start javascript Programming Video Lecture
JavaScript String Tutorial || JavaScript String Methods With Examples Video Lecture
Javascript || How To find the Password Strength is Good or not using Javascript Event onkeyup Video Lecture
JavaScript || How to Validate Email Id using Basic JavaScript Video Lecture
JDBC Tutorial || JDBC Program in Netbeans to Fetch data from mysql using type 4 driver Video Lecture
JSP Directives || Page Directive || Include Directives || Taglib Directives Video Lecture
JDBC Tutorial || How To Save Data in Database using NetBeans IDE in MySql Video Lecture
JSP Project Development || How To Create Registration Page in JSP || How to save data in JSP Video Lecture
DBC Tutorial || How To Update Table data using JDBC || Update Table Data in Netbeans and MySql Video Lecture
Servlet Tutorial || What is Servlet || Servlet Architecture || Servlet Packages Video Lecture
Servlet Tutorial || Generic Servlet || Servlet Life Cycle Methods Video Lecture
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